Friday, January 14, 2011

Mountains and Botanical Gardens of Yogyakarta (Mount Gambar)

Mount Gambar in District Ngawen, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta-Surakarta save history. Ngawen residents who used to be people of Surakarta choose to join under the rule of Yogyakarta Sultanate. However, the ruins of King of Surakarta as Prince Samber Nyowo is still maintained by the residents.

Besides known as Prince Samber Nyawa, Mount Gambar to save the history of Kyai Mas d'Ivoire, the embryo of the village elders. after Indonesia's independence in 1945, residents are required to choose a folk Ngawen Yogyakarta or Surakarta.

Although the store a long history as part of the kingdom of Surakarta, in a large meeting at the time, people choose to join Yogyakarta. If you must participate in Surakarta, the status of our land only noise (right of use). We chose to have land ownership rights are recognized in Yogyakarta,
Be a part of Yogyakarta, it does not mean break the chain attachment to Surakarta. Especially Prince Samber Nyawa had fled from the pursuit of the Netherlands to Ngawen, precisely in Mount Gambar. There, supposedly, prince of Surakarta was imprisoned for more than half a year at Mount Gambar.

Samber Nyawa had a strategy of war by drawing a map of the attack on the hill became known as Mount Gambar. After an ascetic, Prince Samber Nyawa launch war against the Dutch from Wonogiri. 
In Wonogiri Samber Nyawa met a widow who entertained hot meal porridge. Widows are taught about how to eat hot porridge should start from the edge before spending the middle. Then, came the idea of war by destroying the enemy's strategy of a new edge to the center.

With agile, the elementary students at Mount Gambar is running among the rocks without fear of falling. Though the rocks are located on top of a very steep hill. In the still early age, they only know a piece of history from the ruins, but still could be a pretty good guide.

If in the New Order crowds drawn more crowded than the night market, are now rare in Mount Gambar visit. Those who visit are usually the people who want to seek shelter. This place started bustling in a Shura, or when the new year. I was so lonely, where the ticket counter had almost collapsed and no longer used.
Some visitors roses while bringing shotgun came to ask for fulfillment of various applications. Prince Petilasan Samber Nyawa is believed to give blessings in the form of status and power. While petilasan Kyai Mas Gading believed to give wealth.

Usually that can be riches and honor it is to those who come from distant places. For residents around enough protection, health and safety so far has been felt.
As a form of thanks, especially for ancestors Kyai Mas Gading, ordinary citizens perform the ceremony "nyadranan" every single year.
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Mountains and Botanical Gardens of Yogyakarta (Forest Tourism Education Wanagama)

On the way to town Wonosari, gunung kidul, yogyakarta. we will pass Ivory village located approximately 35 kilometers from Yogyakarta. From this Gading village, we will arrive at the Forest Wanagama Education, which is 1 kilometer from Ivory, situated on the banks of the river Oya, so this place is a blend of natural scenery is very beautiful. We can go to this place using a rental car from Yogyakarta.
 Forest Wanagama Education, is built of artificial forest for educational purposes, in addition to a pilot pattern to develop multipurpose forests, especially in dealing with criticality and greening.
 Forest Wanagama Education, is built of artificial forest for educational purposes, in addition to a pilot pattern to develop multipurpose forests, especially in dealing with criticality and greening. 
To reach this location, can use public transportation from the bus station in Yogyakarta, majoring Wonosari, down in the village of Gading. Travel from Gading to an object, performed by foot (except when bringing their own vehicle) because public transport leading to the location of Forest Education Wanagama not yet exist. Or more effective and convenient to use a car rental from Yogyakarta. 
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Mountains and Botanical Gardens of Yogyakarta (Mount Merapi)

Mount Merapi has a height of 2.968 meters above sea level and is located approximately 25 km from Yogyakarta. Mount Merapi was first formed around 60.000 to 80.000 years ago. But the history of new activities starting observed and written as a document since 1.791. Peak Merpai promising allure to enjoy the beautiful sunrise in the morning with natural scenery from the ranks of Mount Ungaran, Telomoyo and Merbabu. Mount Merapi and its surroundings offers a tour of volcanoes such as the cool air, cross country, the beauty of the lava dome is still active.

The volcanic activity is characterized by magma coming out slowly from the body hung fire and piled on top to form a lava dome with a volume of 0.9 million cubic meters more. In the lava dome and surrounding area, volcanic gases and water vapor is manifested as a field solfatar / fumaroles. Puncak Garuda is a product that resembles lava garuda, which is the highest point of Mount Merapi and the location to see the lava dome that is still active. For nature lovers / volcanology can be pitched in the plains located near the peak.
The peak of Mount Merapi can be reached via two paths climbing the route north from the village of Selo Plalangan about 1.800 meters, to Selokopo Ngisor, Selokopo Nduwur, Gajah Mungkur, Market disbanded and the Peak and the southern route from the village Kinahrejo.
Climbing from the north is the path that are suggested because it has a more sloping slopes. Mount Merapi activity lately heading south to the north west also supports a path as a safer path.
In Kinahrejo area about 1 kilometer to the west is the gateway Bebeng Kaliadem climb to the top of Merapi from the south lane.
In the western slopes of Mount Merapi have Babadan Postal residing in metro 1.278. From Post Babadan can see the rugged morphology of the Merapi summit with active lava dome. At the time of active lava voices be heard quite clearly. This post is equipped building protection "Cave" T-shaped area of 90 square meters. This cave was built in 1.930 which is equipped with observation rooms, permanent beds, and water facilities. This cave serves as a space saving and observations while in the event of an eruption.
At this cave was used as a space monitoring using tilt meters and gravity. Jurangjero West dilereng Merapi lies between observation post Ngepos (equipped tower as high as 20 meters) from the peak of Merapi.
Hot clouds glowing (wedus gembel) or incandescent lava is a manifestation of the activity of Merapi volcano is very dangerous. From a distance the activity of Merapi lava wedus trash and incandescent light and the weather was beautiful to behold. Many diagnostic location can be used as a safe place for those who want to see activities such as observation posts, volcanoes scattered around the slopes of Mount Merapi.  
Substation view. Located on the banks of the river Boyong at an altitude of about 800 meters above sea level and located between Bukit Turgo and Plawangan. Besides a place to see the sights atthe peak of Mount Merapi , in the vicinity of this location can also be observed pyroclastic deposits " wedus gembel" the eruption of November 1994 . Tourists enjoy the views of these substations need to consider the level of volcanic activity since this region is included in disaster prone areas. 

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Mountains and Botanical Gardens of Yogyakarta (Peak Suroloyo)

These attractions are on the highest hill top notch which is located in the hamlet keceme, gerbosari village, district Samigaluh, located approximately 45 kilometers from Yogyakarta.

In these attractions, while feeling the cool mountain air above the verdant expanse of tea plantation, visitors can see the charm that is so typical of the rising sun, while to the north of the peak can be seen splendor Suroloyo Borobudur temple which is one of the attractions in seven wonders world.

In this Suroloyo there are some places that smelled of mythological, which is certainly a very loss to be missed, among others:
  • Peak Sariloyo
  • Tegal Kepanasan
  • Spring kadewatan
  • Hermitage kaendran
  • Hermitage Mintorogo
Suroloyo Hermitage is the most legendary. Perhaps the story, in this hermitage Raden Mas Rangsang which then holds Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo do penance for running "wangsit" who come to him.   

In the book Cabolek Yosodipuro Ngabehi works written in the 18th century, Sultan Agung got two messages, first that he would become ruler of the land of Java, so push it headed west until he came Mountains Kotagede Menoreh second that he must do penance kesatrian order to become ruler. 

Each of  1 at the top of the Shura has always held a ceremony Suroloyo jamasan heirloom gift from Yogyakarta palace, in the form of spears Kyai manggolo Murti and Songsong manggolo Dewo. From the house of village elders keceme, the ceremony began with a procession followed by inheritance of the parade that brings mountains of the earth lacks traditional percussion music and enlivened with several groups of traditional art troupe to the spring kawidodaren which is the site of a ceremony jamasan heritage. 

What's interesting about this ritual is the "udik-udik" of the land that contested by the citizens of the community and its visitors. It is said that those who can get the "udik-udik" it will get a blessing from God Almighty in the form of agricultural produce is very abundant.
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